Hinton, 1986, Learning Distributed Representations of Concepts 구현
2016-10-10 22:34:33

The purpose of this paper(Hinton '86) is teaching NN to understand relationships between P1 and P2.

Family Tree

The family tree above can be expressed by a set of tripletts.

Person1 Relation Person2

Christopher wife Penelope

Arthur wife Margaret

James wife Victoria

Andrew wife Christine

Charles wife Jennifer

Roberto wife Maria

Pierro wife Francesca

The family tree contains 104 triplett.(FamilyTree.xlsx)

Neural Network Structure

Feed forward

There are not bias nodes.

Non-linear function(sigmoid function)

The units are arrainged in layers with a layer of input uints at the bottom, any number of intermediate layers, and a layer of output uints at the top. There no feedback connections.

Back propagation

Squared residual errors, no bias node, Batch mode

acceleration medthod : delta W(t-1)

t is incremented by 1 for each sweep through the whole set of input-output cases, and alpha is an exponential decay factor between 0 and 1 that determines the relative contribution of the current gradient and ealier gradients on the weight change.

The results.

Weights from the 24 input units for people

Weights from the 12 input units for relations

My model got 2 out of 4 test cases,

wheree "correct" means that the output unit corresponding to the right answer had an activity level above 0.5, and all the other output units were below 0.5.

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수식은 잘 나오나요?
2016-10-10 19:40:29

내가 아는 BP

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망각력을 보여준 통계학시험
2016-10-10 18:50:03

어마어마한 망각력과 헷갈림들;;

그래도 하루는 뚫어져라 보긴했는데..

아직 남은 중간고사 2 를 기대할 뿐이다.

그리고 연습문제는 이번처럼 반드시 모두 풀어봐야겠다. 홀수만이라도

안풀어봤으면 그나마 더 당황했을 것 같으니..

그리고 앞으로는 3 일은 공부를 해야겠다.

하루는 문제풀이 하기에도 부족하다는 것을 몸소 깨달은 시험이었다.

어쨌거나 시험을 핑계로 잘만큼 자고 나니

여러 의미로 개운하다.

할만큼 해보고 결과를 보고 그다음에 생각하자

어찌 되었던 쓸데없는 생각은 덜하게 되지 않았는가

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통계 중간고사 마무리 정리
2016-10-09 19:24:28

5.29 ~ 나머지 문제

공식들 특히 간단하고 평소에 계산안하는 SS, Var 들 정리할 것.

T-sample not-paired

틀린 것, 공식, 개념 정리 약 3장 정도?

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