ㅋㅋ 그냥 큰 키보드로 하기로 했다.
음; 그냥 한번의 여흥 이었나;
ㅋㅋ 그냥 큰 키보드로 하기로 했다.
음; 그냥 한번의 여흥 이었나;
오랜 기간 DB가 학교 서버에 있었지만 속도 면에서 그래고 학교컴을 계속 켜두어야 한다는 점에서 좋지 않았다;
Oracle로 갈아타면서 집으로 옮기고 싶었지만 시간상 우선 Mysql로;;
며칠간 SCSSM의 자료는 깨끗이 포기하고 ㅋㅋ 그냥 여기서 재시작 하련다^^
There's actually an option in Xcode to do this. In v. 3.2.3:
Project menu -> Edit Project Settings -> General tab -> Organization Name
(Found it by chance when following someone else's tip on importing a project done with an old SDK.)
In Xcode 4 (Developer Preview 5), in the navigation pane (far left side), select the project (top item).
Expand the Utilities pane (at window top-right, far right button in the 3-button "View" group).
In the "Project Document" section is the "Organization" text field (File Inspection view, second section from top).
"nil" should only be used in place of an "id", what we Java and C++ programmers would think of as a pointer to an object. Use NULL for non-object pointers.
Look at the declaration of that method:
-(void)observeValueForKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath ofObject:(id)object
change:(NSDictionary *)change context:(void *)context
context is a "void *" (ie a C-style pointer), so you'd definitely use NULL (which is sometimes declared as "(void *)0") rather than nil (which is of type "id").