으 역시 blutooth 미니 키보드로 개발은 무리..
2011-02-03 21:13:26

ㅋㅋ 그냥 큰 키보드로 하기로 했다.

음; 그냥 한번의 여흥 이었나;

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역시 Web, DB 가 같은 PC에 있는게 빠르고 좋다;
2011-02-03 20:34:25

오랜 기간 DB가 학교 서버에 있었지만 속도 면에서 그래고 학교컴을 계속 켜두어야 한다는 점에서 좋지 않았다;

Oracle로 갈아타면서 집으로 옮기고 싶었지만 시간상 우선 Mysql로;;

며칠간 SCSSM의 자료는 깨끗이 포기하고 ㅋㅋ 그냥 여기서 재시작 하련다^^

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iPhone Change __MyCompanyName__
2011-01-25 23:47:28

There's actually an option in Xcode to do this. In v. 3.2.3:

Project menu -> Edit Project Settings -> General tab -> Organization Name

(Found it by chance when following someone else's tip on importing a project done with an old SDK.)

In Xcode 4 (Developer Preview 5), in the navigation pane (far left side), select the project (top item).

Expand the Utilities pane (at window top-right, far right button in the 3-button "View" group).

In the "Project Document" section is the "Organization" text field (File Inspection view, second section from top).

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nil vs null
2011-01-25 16:12:35

"nil" should only be used in place of an "id", what we Java and C++ programmers would think of as a pointer to an object. Use NULL for non-object pointers.

Look at the declaration of that method:

-(void)observeValueForKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath ofObject:(id)object

change:(NSDictionary *)change context:(void *)context

context is a "void *" (ie a C-style pointer), so you'd definitely use NULL (which is sometimes declared as "(void *)0") rather than nil (which is of type "id").

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