work list of this week
2011-06-19 22:58:00


1. Study hadoop ~ 26th/June => working

2. Install nutch ~ 26th/June => working

3. Find Ontopath source ~ 22nd/June => graduation

4. Make ontopath work correct by building ~ 26th/June => graduation


5. Silverlight Youtube Player ~ 26th/June => after graduation

6. Documentation of toolbar ~ 15th/July => after graduation


7. Study Endocrine ~ 22nd/June => the finale of this semester

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Explore Toolbar 문서화
2011-06-19 22:48:15

1. Toolbar 제작 자체설명

2. Youtube 태그 설명

3. Youtube 동영상 클릭 태그 설명

4. Server와 통신 설명

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youtube를 찾을 수는 있는데..
2011-06-19 16:43:46

.*?/videoplayback\\?sparams=.*?&begin=(?<text>.*?)[ ].*?

속도가 느려..

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VTMarker 이제 시작;
2011-06-18 12:17:50

1. 툴바를 합쳐서 완성한다. - 6/19까지

2. Silverlight Player + tag

3. WCF + 다운로드 + SQL server 는 2~3일 이면 될 듯.

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