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표현이 서툴러 이런 것을 신기하다고 표현하면 사람들의 의한 한 반응을 유도한다.
생각을 정리해 보면
암기 : 다른 지적인 모든 활동을 배재한 단순한 저장을 일컫는다.
예시) 어린 아이가 "물건을 훔치면 안된다." 라는 사실을 기억한다.
이해 : 원인 결과 그리고 그 과정이 어떻게 되는지 지적인 능력으로 이해하는 것.
예시) 법과 질서로 이루어진 사회에서 사는 것을 안 청소년이 "물건을 훔치면 경찰서를 가고 이것은 내가 차 후 사회생활을 하는데 커다란 장애물이 된다." 라고 이해하는 것.
깨달음 : 감성, 느낌까지 포함하여 이해 암기를 하면서 즐거움을 느낄 수 있는 것.
예시) 말의 무게와 인생의 깊이를 아는 성년이 "물건을 훔치면 물건을 잃어버린 사람, 내 가족 그리고 나의 삶에 미칠 파장을 피부에서 부터 느끼게 된다." 라고 느끼는 것.
이렇게 글을 적어도 첫번째는 그냥, 두번째는 생각하면서, 세번째는 느끼면서 글을 적는다.
아직 가다듬어 지지않은 분류 지만 어렸을 적부터 궁금하던
유치한 것은 무엇인가? 에 대한 궁금증을 하나하나 풀수 있고 더 나아가 지금 컴퓨터가 잘하는 암기를 넘어 다같이 하려고 하는 이해하기 단계를 내 방식대로 생각을 정립하는도 도움을 줄수 있을 것같다.
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2. 화면 개선사항(10시간)
Saturday July 31, 2010 07:08
WebM is a new open standard for compressed Video Content. It shall offer an alternative to commercial Formats such as h264, MPEG4 and MPEG2, that are patented and require a commercial licence. WebM is based on two open codecs for compressing the video and audio component of the content.
VP8 for Video
The video content of a WebM file is compressed with VP8, a technology developed by ON2, which was recently acquired by Google, who then went on to make VP8 an open and free technology. VP8 is considered to be one of the few standards that can keep up with the modern MPEG4 compression standards both in quality and filesize.
Vorbis for Audio
Of course also the Audio-Component of a Video-File needs to be compressed, therefore another open technology is used: Vorbis (also known as Ogg Vorbis), a free open source software for lossy audio-compression, and therefore an alternative to MP3.
Test Files
Check out some test files in WebM Format here.
Impact of WebM
With the growth of Online Video and increasing Quality and Size of the Videos there was also demand for a high quality codec that is capable of delivering HD videos highly compressed but still in in high quality. So far, only the proprietary h.264/MPEG4 Standard was regarded as capable of this – but since it is patented and needs to be licensed, it is only suitable for commercial applications.
Google was looking for an alternative that could be offered free of charge and with open source, which led to the acquisition of ON2, the company that developed VP8, and released their video compression software as open source. Through Googles strong market position as owner of Online-Video Giant YouTube, all major Browsers will support WebM in upcoming releases, which makes it a real alternative to Flash/h.264, todays propietary de-facto standard of web-video.
It will be interesting to see how other online entertainment brands like hulu, bwin or netflix will react to the availability of an open standard. After all it would mean for them that they have to convert their huge archives, and store at least two versions of their video content.
Another question is the hardware support. While all major browsers will support the format, the operating systems themselves dont, and neither do mobile phones or set-top boxes. Google has already announced WebM Support for the next release of their Android Operating System, while Market-Leader Apple so far doesnt support it on their iPhone, and given their rivalry with Google they probably wont in the future.