왜 부정적이고 뭔가 염세적인..
Interpole 노래가
집중할때 들으면 도움이 되는걸까?
왜 부정적이고 뭔가 염세적인..
Interpole 노래가
집중할때 들으면 도움이 되는걸까?
오전 : CFG 읽기
오후 : 논문 서문 작성
일과 후 : seminar 피피티
밤 : 결과 발표 PPT 및 소스 정리
오전 : 논문 작성
오후 : seminar 피피티
hypothesis evaluation.
bayesian network!!
한 번 말한 것은 모든 매체에서 부풀려져서 반박이 불가능 한 진실이 되어버린다.
의심 자체가 불경스러워 진다. - 전 씨네 21 기자.
I dream of connecting OntoPath to SNOMED-CT.
For someone who doesn't know OntoPath, I'll explain OntoPath briefly.
Back to the subject.
There are step to realize the dream.
Before I start this job, I must know.
㉮ Existing trial, papers and trend on this subject.
㉯ Formal grammar(controlled natural language).
㉰ SNOMED-CT itself.
I'm going to talk about Trend and Formal grammars today.
㉮ There are some papers on sort of this subject.
㉯ I focused on the CFG which he already used before.
-> explain CFG. : General, Constituency, Context-Free Grammars(Formal Definition of Context-Free Grammar)
-> Finite-State and Context-Free Grammars : Finite-State
-> explain the paper he wrote : Dependency Grammars, his paper
-> Trend of Controlled Natural Language : Attempto
next : analysis SNOMED-CT, explain how to implement this, unless I give up.