1. Evaluation : decide the factors to evaluate 16th / April
2. Writing except for evaluation until 19th/April.
3. Implementation : from 18th at the latest.
4. Pay the thesis fare, prepare some documents 16th/April(except for the 3rd one)
- 논문심사원 1부
- 심사위원 추천서 1부
- 심사용논문 4부 (A4용지 상철, 제본하지 않아도 됨) => 23rd / April
- 연구윤리 준수 확인서
- 병적증명서 1부 (남학생에 한함)
- 학위논문심사등록확인서 (의과학과 대학원생에 한함, 의학과는 해당 사항 없음)
Thesis in detail about contents.
1. Writing : Intro, Related research, Method, and implement are fixed.
- Ontology, rule, and frequency counting for ordering the term list.
2. Implementation : UI(RCP), JavaCC, OWL API, SWRL API, Some reasoners..
- Two weeks
3. Idea : Evaluation..
4. Idea : Title..
HMM : 1 day?
Art? : LDA? => 1~2days?