1000 2로 넘어오고 L/C점수의 변화가 줄었다!!
2013-03-26 23:52:33

LC가 21~23개로 통일 되었다 ㅋㅋㅋ 편차는 줄고 평균 값은 작아졌다.

난 이제 그전에 없던 평타가 생기고

그 평타로 절망 ㅠ


c) a man is shaveling gravel into a hall shovel 삽 gravel 자갈

d) they are pouring cementn.. to the pavement


tree are growing along the shore

a boat is sailin on the pear? => away from pier(부두)

some tourists are strolling around a historic site.(거닐다)


b)some pictures around (=> are on) display about(=> above) the fireplace.

d) the pictures(=> pitchers) have been filled with the flowers.

18 Do you want to see the late show or the one at four?

a) i prepare(At the theater) by the bank b) sure ..c) what time does the late one start?

23 when is the part of(product) launch for the marraige Inskin kelien(Marie Jean) skin care line?

a) Once a proposal aprroved b) most likli next month c)..

26 why are(=> n't) we beginning the discussion now?

a) Idon't know any it is b) I short late for tommorow c) we're waiting for Hellen

32 will the(=> they) start training today or (will) we enough to move it to next week?

a) he is very busy this week b) no it wasn't yesterday c) I'll be giving the orientation this morning

34. can y

a) I('ll) try to rearrange my schedule. b) he worked at nightshift c) I haven't tought of them yet today.

36. would prefer to large suitcase?

a) b) Isn't it difficutly carry around? c)

37. Have you already place the order for the office supplies?

a) What a pleasant surprise? b) I ca'nt do it until this afternoon c) It was very orderly.

40. This computer comes with software installed doesn't it?

a) Every model in (our) store does. b) c)


I'm going to the supplies office so ican get one by and then?(while im there)

95~97 propagrating?



I'll be forwaring you an email describing objective!!

this customized room for childern with special needs

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L/C 의 fluctuation이 심하다..
2013-03-23 14:04:35

7분 남기고 L/C 14 R/C 7 음..

의미없는 통계치

6번 평균 L/C 437 R/C 434


became 형용사..

venture : ??

sentence Afterword : (앞문장) 그 후 / After는 after 다음에 오는 것 다음에.

be satisfied with

accountant != account manager

단어 모양새 장난 많음.

convention은 catering service와 다르니 속지 말것.

order도 assistance라고 paraphrasing 될 수 있음. 돈을 내더라도 도움을 받기는 하는 것.

Failure to 동사

plumber 배관공

make a provision for

Intro 도 전치사므로 분사구문 앞에 못 옮! forget to ~할 것을 잊다. forget ~ ing ~한 것을 잊다.

sufficiently 는 단순히 많다의 의미가 아니라 "충분하다"는 의미!

tentative 는 잠 정적인....

withdrawn 내성적인.. withraw ATM에서 돈 찾는 것

outgoing 퇴임하는.. outstanding 뛰어난

bring noun to work altogether

Any는 of the 와 함께 쓰임! None은 부정대명사로 명사자리에 감

Every는 당연히 단수 가산명사 앞~!

venture는 adventure에 있는 venture와 같은 의미인데 모험 사업 둘 다?

free access to medical services -> free medical checkups

convention 협의회!!

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2013-03-23 00:21:57

draw 추첨

should 는 주절에 미래시제나 명령문!! / Had 는 현재 시제 와도된다.. 그런데 should 가 왔을때 도치된 동사는 원형으로 쓰여야 하는 것 아닌가?

bring it within

be used to ~ ing

inform A of B

win over

make a diffrent in

within ??

disperse A among B


reserve a right to do

defected 국가를 버리다 망명하다


reply to

promptly 정확히

excursion 소풍, 짧은 여행

assuming that ~라 가정하면(if 와 비슷??)

frequent flier

turbulent 불안정한

amid ~가 한창일 때

office suite 오피스텔 (갖춰진 스위트룸 같은 곳)

complete with ~를 완비한

desiring properties (바라고 있는) 부동산 => 이상한 뜻 이므로 desirable properties 탐나는 부동산

identify는 내가 확인 하는 것. 확인 시키는 것이 아님!!!

cause by / to

be based in / on

solicit nominations 추천을 권유하다

관계대명사는 바로 앞 명사만 보자..; 생각할 필요가 없음;

predominate over ~을 능가하다. still predominantly at..

shoot 촬영하다, gratified 만족하다.

get off the ground 실행에 옮기다

tie - tying

file : 철하다, 제출되다.(sent in)

was told;;;; 제대로 급하게 읽으면 was 안보여서 실수 가능.

interdisciplinary 여러 분야에 관계가 있는

sustainable development 환경 친화적 개발

accredit 공으로 치다. accredited ~에 등록된?

at the time of entry 대본 출품시

under option 판권계약 상태

leeway 여유

lavatory 화장실

bulk purchase

folklift 지게차

crude oil 원유

advancement 승진, 출세

is expecting to => 무조건 expected!!

as 형용사 a list of qualifications

in addition, ~와 함께 along with

many, a few 는 복수 가산명사 앞!! / other는 단, 복수 가능

assorted(분류된, 여러가지의), representative(대표하는), versatile(다재다능한), deliberate(신중한)

거의 끊겼다?? 왜갑자기;;;

launch 출시회도 됨!!!

tentatively 잠정적으로

prominent 유명한 predominant 우세한

encase ~에 넣다. portray 묘사하다

besides와 beside는 다른뜻!!!!

앞의 문맥을 보고;;

currently는 최근에가 아니고 현재!! / negotiable 이라고 하면 협상인데... 뜻은 그냥 더 낮은 가격?

philatelic 우표수집의 / dedicated ~전용의, 기리기 위한

down payment 계약금

What does the information indicate about new business owners.. 시계를 너무 자주봤다;

preserve는 보유가 아닌 보호하다~!

왠만 하면 지문의 첫문제는 detail을 묻지 않는다.

advocacy 신념

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파트5 예문 (1)
2013-03-21 00:04:24

Due to the region's low levels of rainfall, Arizona has the lowest "concentration" of plant and animal life in the country.

Ticket prices of Penfold Airlines are subject to change depending on the season and fuel prices. ( be subject to ~할수 있다. ~을 받기 쉽다 / be subjective to ~에 따라 다르다. / depending on ~에 따라)

During the investment seminar, participants were urged to provide examples of their own experiences of buying and selling stock.

Most outsourcing companies run on rotating shift schedules to adequately accommodate their clients' needs.

The recently launched photocopier model was constructed so that interior components can easily be repaired when necessary.

A reported on the success of the archaeological excavation in Seoul, which was overseen by him.

There was notably little discussion among the board of directors about who they would send to Russia to manage the branch office there.

Numerous recreational activities are offered at Jade Panglao, making it a perfect place in which to spend the holidays with family and friends.

The adevisoriy from the Ministry of Health listed various preventive measures that would minimize the rist of heat-related illnesses during the summer months.

In her presentation, Ms. Madden will give a brief overview of Transpacific Translations' offerings rather than a detailed description of each one.

Although professors may attend the training anytime within the month, every department is strongly advised to arrange an exclusive session for its staff.

Your continues patronage is very important to us.

Increased sales for a company ( 기업의 판매량 증가)

resession 경기 침체 / relay 연락하다 / competitive 높은..(비교에서)

successful candidate => 그냥 employee 라고 생각하면 될듯;;?

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