java pattern matcher
2010-08-17 13:44:56

Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile([Regex]);

Matcher matches = pattern.matcher([String]);

if (matches.find()) {

resultString=matches.replaceAll("$1"); //the first


if you know the regex? just use this source.

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Naver Blog Get Message URL
2010-08-17 12:48:47[UserID]¤tPage=[PageNumber]

is it API or not?

it is more powerful than blog API which is offered by NAVER;;

um.. So it will be disappeared soon, I guess.

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Power Blogger List
2010-08-17 11:32:28

These are only 5 power blogger who have following, follower information in IT section on Naver.

1. 퍼플(pupple0415) : follower 991, following 1028

2. 정순봉(itexpert2007) : follower 2088, following 0

3. 톡톡샘(runi62) : follower 13826, following 1569

4. 완소남(59hjh) : follower 2239, following 465

5. 신제갈량(jegalcsh) : follower 2345, following 351

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Minutes of IPTV meeting.
2010-08-17 11:04:49

1. improve Twitter API & DB scheme

2. make a document about profiling by using SNS data and network for the recommendation.

- read the papers about recommendation.

- make some assumption.

3. and Facebook?? this one is not so urgent.

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