성원이 : 나방책
진욱이 : JSP 빨간책
성권씨 : 신 1
성원이 : 나방책
진욱이 : JSP 빨간책
성권씨 : 신 1
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나만 잘 되는것이 아닌 우리 모두가 잘 될 수 있도록 노력하자.
[Internet Explorer Band]
Creating Custom Explorer Bars, Tool Bands, and Desk Bands
Internet Explorer Toolbar (Deskband) Tutorial : A tutorial on Using RBDeskband and CWindowImpl ATL Object Wizards to create an Internet Explorer(IE) Toolbar.
The Code Project Search Bar : The Code Project SearchBar gives you quick access to the Code Project site, and lets you do searches at any time, from any web page.
Internet Explorer Toolbar Creation : base code with instruction how to create you own plug-in for internet explorer
Pretty IE Toolbar in C# : The article describes the work principles and ways of use of IEToolbarEngine. This is a toolbar for Internet Explorer, which has a reusable architecture.
Band Objects - .NET 2.0 Redux - A .NET 2.0 version of Pavel Zolnikov's BandObjects project
Issues faced while extending IE with Band Objects using .NET and Windows Forms : Issues faced while extending IE with Band Objects using .NET and Windows Forms
Extending Explorer with Band Objects using .NET and Windows Forms : Walks you through the implementation of an Explorer bar with the help of BandObject base class. Describes implementation details of the BandObject class.
Firefox Code Project Search Bar : A direct port of the Code Project Search Bar, but for Firefox instead of IE.
WTL Toolbar Helper : Add text, drop-down menus, and comboboxes to a WTL toolbar.
IE Advanced Toolbar for Favorite site navigation and log-in : Advanced IE toolbar, using .NET band objects, for navigation and login with a single click.
Band Objects
Exploring band objects using .Net and windows forms.
A discussion on the errors (using above code) for an Internet Explorer toolbar, with Fix.
Deskband Info Structure
[BHO / Hook]
Writing a BHO in Plain C++ : How to write an Internet Explorer plug-in (Browser Helper Object - BHO) using just C++ and the Windows API; no ATL or MFC involved!
How to attach to Browser Helper Object (BHO) with C# in two minutes : This article will use screen shots step by step to show beginners how to attach to BHO with C# within only two minutes
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How to develop Internet Explorer Object and a problem regarding to MS Windows system failure : The article on how to use BHO dealing with Windows/Internet Explorer.
Automate the Active Windows Explorer or Internet Explorer Window : An article on finding out an active IE or Explorer window or creating one and controlling it.
Handling HTML Events from .NET, using C# : This article demonstrates a simple way to bind to any HTML document event from a .NET WinForms application or a BandObject or a Browser Helper Object.
tags : VTMarker, vtmarker, converter, flv