work list
2012-04-20 21:38:10

1. Complete SWRL 문법.

2. 용어별 점수 매기기.

3. 결과 및 고찰 부터 작성한다. DESC 와 비슷한 것은 ref 처리하고 길지 않게 설명한다.

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데모 구현 (1)
2012-04-19 01:07:59

1. Authoring UI + Save OWL, SWRL 19th

- like protege or pathont;

2. Editor UI + JavaCC, Save OWL 20th ~ 21st?.. plz ~ 20...

- like ontopath.. it is same with draft..


for 1, make class hierarchy automatically.

for 2, interaction with javaCC.....???

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OwlAPI full
2012-04-18 22:57:02

// There are two ways we can create classes (and other entities).

// The first is by specifying the full IRI.

//First we create an IRI object:

IRI iri = IRI.create(iriStr+"#"+name);

// Now we create the class

OWLClass clsAMethodA = factory.getOWLClass(iri);

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work list
2012-04-18 18:44:58

implementation just demo!!!! not all.

- OWL api, JavaCC 18th day.

- UI 19th day.

- Finish 20th day.

writing needs 4 days. (~ Tue/24)

- introduction + method : 1 day..

- result(evaluation) + discussion : 1 day??

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