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what is attention penalty..? - 컴퓨터

Linhao Dong, Shuang Xu, Bo Xu, Speech-Transformer: A No-Recurrence Sequence-to-Sequence Model for Speech Recognition, ICASSP 2018

Attention Penalty (from Speech Transformer paper):
In addition, we encouraged the model attending to closer positions by adding a bigger penalty on the attention weights of more distant position-pairs.

There is no more specific description about attention penalty.
This is my imagination, adding negative value for non-diagonal elements on scaled_attention_logits except for the first multi-head attention in decoders.

I have no concrete idea about the attention penalty the authors explained.

written time : 2020-01-08 22:11:33.0

델리. - 여행

이번 긴(?) 여정의 종착지.

written time : 2019-12-20 05:01:35.0

겨울왕국 시리즈 - 영화

겨울왕국 시리즈는 나에게 있어 인상적인 작품들은 아니다.
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재미가 없는 부분에 아이들이 웃으니 따라웃는 정도라 내용을 이해하고 있지 않다는 것은 분명하고 그 웃음을 듣고 나는 직감했었다 끝까지 볼 수 없으리라는 것을.

겨울왕국 1 ☆☆★★★ 혼자서 (자취방에서)
겨울왕국 2 ☆☆★★★ 큰딸 (집 근처 메가박스에서)
토이스토리 4 ☆★★★★ 작은딸, 큰딸 (집에서)

written time : 2019-11-29 01:31:40.0
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